Medusa Welcomes You!

Apr 3, 2009

*Falling Up* drops April 30th

27 days until...... :-D

Was speaking with Charlie Hilton last night and realize, iDnt know if iBroke down the point of this *Falling Up* project.

Well, basically, *Falling Up* is me slightly touching upon the pro's and con's of success. Be it major or minor. Out of no where comes new friends, phony ppl, haters, etc. You know the drill!

I'm just talking about how it feels to be *Falling Up*. How iHandle the pro's and con's of *Falling Up*.

The idea initially came from the song "Falling Up" which was on -No Effort Involved-.

iDecided to turn the song into an entire project. It's my mood music!

iHope you all enjoy it...!!! :-D

