Medusa Welcomes You!

Feb 28, 2009

"No Rehab"

Should be playing.

For those of you who frequently visit my blog, you should remember me having this instrumental posted up not too long ago. Well, here's the song.

It's a beat iMade and will be on a project iHave called "Medusaville (Revisited): The ProductShunned". :-D






Feb 27, 2009

"No Effort Involved" Track Listing


1. In Music iTrust
2. For You

3. Why You Mad?
4. Falling Up

5. I Ain't Lying
6. Truth Serum
7. You Name It
8. AllTheParties.Com
9. DON
10. iDon't Like Ya'll
11. Disturbia (Me-Mix)
12. Believe In Yourself (Live Rip From Youtube)
13. The Sound Of Pain Is...
14. Rainy Days

Numbers 4, 6 & 8 were all just recorded yesterday. The two bonus songs are two joints off of the first project iReleased last year in July called "UNDENIABLE". Everything else is old shit..haha..still dope tho! The front cover art is done, you could peep it on my myspace page ( It was done by my baby love, Nas Ramz, & once she spices up the back cover I'll post them both here.



Feb 24, 2009

Two! For The Show

Let me start this off by saying, iDon't like too many artist, iDon't feel they are worthy.

iFirst got wind of this dope artist thru a random ass email. iActually take time to listen to every artist that hits me up and what not. Normally, iEnd up listening to they music player, and that's that, name forgotten in the next 2 seconds. BUT, this dude, brandUn deShay, caught my ear. Same day iHeard him iPut the homie Charlie Hilton onto him. iThink at that time iHad heard 'Go Fly A Kite' and 'Ocean of Stars', dnt quote me on that tho.

Decided to download Vol: One! For The Show..and was impressed. Maybe the quality of the recording and mixing couldve been better, but as far as lyrics, flow, substance, production, singing, all on point! Very talented dude.........

Anyhoot, this morning iBumped the entire Volume Two, and was immediately inspired. This project is definately something ya'll all need to get up on if you arent already up on deShay, for real. And once again, for those who know me, they know iDon't show love to most rappers cause they are not worthy. BD is fucking sick.....I'm done.

Be sure to go to and download that Two! For The yourself that favor.


Feb 19, 2009

"No Effort Involved" (Re-post/reminder)

iKnow iJust posted this down there somewhere..but wtv.
Scroll down and re-read the rest, all I'm going to say here is............


dropping March 1st
Artwork done by Nas Ramz !! Shit, she reminded that iWas even dropping this project. :-D

-Frankenstein (call her the Bride of Frankenstein)

Feb 18, 2009

New Music Coming!

By the end of this month, iWill have a shitload of new music for ya'll !

You're going to want to stay on the lookout cause the shit I've been writing lately.....woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Feb 17, 2009


This had to be the first time iActually celebrated Valentine's Day in my life.

This had to be the first time iActually brought someone something for V-Day in my life.

This had to be the first time iActually recieved gifts on V-Day in my life.

My Nas Ramz was happy, so that made me happy! V-Day isn't really for dudes, but iLoved it.

iLove her! The Michelle to my Barack..(as long as he don't fuck up!)
iGot her a little something something...
A lil' card with a bunch of writing in it.. :-D

Some purple daisies!Some Beauty Rush ish from Vickies..Some sneakers...
And also, a nice ring from Juicy.


Feb 11, 2009

Frank Ramz "I Got To Get It" on ALLHIPHOP.COM

Produced by B Logik. Same dude who produced "Hear Her Cries" which was also on ALLHIPHOP.COM. Check earlier blog entry for the link
Check it out ya'll. The link is

So far, great feedback. So go listen and leave a comment!


Feb 9, 2009

"No Effort Involved"

iDecided to take all my songs that iRecorded and did nothing with and put them all onto one project. The name of this project is.....

"No Effort Involved"

It will only be available for digital download on March 1st so be on the lookout. The download link will be posted here first!


Feb 8, 2009


Carter III > American Gangster, The Cool, Paper Trail & Nas?


Feb 7, 2009

Last Nights J-Dilla Tribute...

...was dope! Didn't stay the whole night cause iWas super tired but there were some nice female MC's lined up paying homage to Dilla including Jean Grae! Not too sure on the live bands name that were there (should be up on that flyer somewhere) but they were DOPE!! They kept me there for longer than iWanted to be. Doing an entire tribute to Dilla by playing alot of his work live for the crowd! GREAT!

There was also a dope ass artist there painting some shit right in front of my eyes. iWas just standing there watching. And she did it so fast. Her name is Alexandra Cespedes, google her.

When iWas leaving, another artist began drawing an actual portrait of Dilla. Looked like it was going to be nice, but iLeft. Cool night tho, wish iHad rested earlier in my day so iCould've stayed the entire night, but whatever.


Feb 3, 2009

Barack Obama

A minute ago, iAsked alot of my friends and family members why did they vote for Sir Obama, and nobody had an excuse. Except for the fact that he's black! Some ppl may have great reasons for why they voted for Sir Obama, but to this day I've ask ppl the same question, and only a handful have a great reason, compared to a SHITLOAD who only picked him cause he's black. He's actually half and half.

Here's some shit iPut into my away message on AIM one morning after listening to an interview with KRS-One & Alex Jones. Only for the open minded so don't proceed if you're not.

"im not going against obama, im happy he's in office, but dnt mindlessly follow obama..that isnt american and it takes away your independent thought...what will black pres really do that will be diff from white pres? its all cosmeticshe's just another puppet just as bush wasif obama really brings about change and caters to the ppl, he may end up like kennedy and mlkall these years the gov been keeping us brainwashed...we have ben think thats simply going to go away because of our new black pres?basically, they are putting alot of shit on obama's plate..expecting him to fix everything that we all believe george bush fucked up...and then if he doesnt fix it...a very serious black & white feud begin....racism resurrected...the pres of the usa is like the manager of burger king..when your fries are cold, you want to speak with the never see the corporate niggaz who REALLY RUN SHIT!! the manager is just their puppet....random thoughts iRemember from this KRS One interview..real talk..good way to wake up..literally, figuratively and mentally...GOOD MORNINGin history, just because you have a black MANAGER dont mean shit..when the cities were really powerful, they didnt allow black ppl to run the city..but when the city fell, then you get a black mayor! "

Now that's some of the realest shit I've heard. You can google the shit yourself or youtube it. It's like 3 parts to it so be sure to listen to them all.


Feb 2, 2009

Twittering My Morning/Afternoon Away

Decided to see what the hell my manager, Khareen, is always on when we're at these damn shows and what not. TWITTER.
iSee alot of ppl been fucking with it already and I'm late as shit, wtv.

Anyway, I've been twittering since a little earlier this morning. If you are on twitter, look me up!


Feb 1, 2009 T.he L.ies Movement (09)

Now in full effect is the T.he L.ies Movement, 2009 and beyond!

This goes for everybody, even my own team. No one is an exception. It is too much damn lying going on in niggaz rhymes and it's getting annoying.
Niggaz are just openly rapping about shit that we all know aint true. Shit that doesnt even have a inch of true-ness in it! What do niggaz lie about??

- Having mad money...
*Having alot of material things... (cars, clothes, houses etc.)
- Fucking mad 'bitches'...
- Busting/having guns...
- Selling any type of drugs...
- iHeard niggaz lie about having family issues (smh)

Umm, it's more than that, but that's what iCan think of for now. Got any more?, let me know.
Bottom line, the lies need to come to an end. Anybody can be down with the STL Movement as long as you're honest. Simply keep it real and support real shit.
